Eureka’s team

Who is best able to awaken the extraordinary desire of little explorers to learn? Only the teachers for whom discoveries bring great joy. Our early education school employs professional teachers, enthusiasts of positive education, who are open to innovations. One of the main values of our team is cooperation which allows us to foster Eureka’s educational philosophy by following best practices. We believe that every teacher is a leader who leads a child onto the path of discovery, so we are proud of our employees and promote their creativity, initiative, and invest in their continuous improvement and broadening global horizons in the area of education.

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Would you like to join our team? Learn more

I am the head of Eureka Birutė

I graduated from the Kaunas University of Technology with a degree in business administration. Later, I gained a Master of Economics qualification degree. While still expecting my first child’s birth, I became interested in early childhood education and the psychological development of a child in early childhood, and together with education management professionals, I established the first early childhood education school in Lithuania, the Eureka Kaunas branch.
I am convinced that early childhood is a phenomenal age, valuable in itself. At this stage in life, it is still difficult for a child to gain attention, so it is important for him to learn by moving, discovering, experiencing, playing, and thus learning more and more new things.

  • Moto:

    "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.“ - Albert Einstein.

  • Hobby:

    Traveling, cycling, camping, board games - everything I can do with my family

  • Color:


  • Character:


  • Children book:

    Richard Scarry "What Do People Do All Day"

I am the head of Education Kristė.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Pre-school and Pre-primary Education and for the last six years, I worked as a teacher at a private school in Vilnius. Both during my work and during Erasmus + projects I accumulated knowledge about integrated education, creativity education, reading strategies, outdoor pedagogy, and democratic education.
I believe that respect in communication with children is my priority. By creating relationship-based respect children feel valued, heard, and understood, thus the wellbeing of children as well as teachers is the aim of our school.

  • Moto:

    Do what makes your soul shine.

  • Hobby:

    Hiking with my family in nature, collecting musical instruments, everything about Christmas, live concerts.

  • Color:

    Black, grey, blue.

  • Character:


  • Children book:

    Every Harry Potter books written by J.K. Rowling.

I am the head of Kaunas Eureka branch Karolina

I have always been interested in planning and organizing activities. In 2015, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in finance and realized that the field relevant to me is much broader, so in 2017 I obtained a master’s degree in marketing. I worked according to my acquired specialties, but pedagogy was always nearby. My mother is a teacher, so the worries and joys of school life have always been an integral part of our family. I have tasted the bread of a non-formal education teacher, as a result I have completed pedagogical-psychological knowledge courses.

My career was all the time connected somehow with education field and I enjoy it because the experience gained from interacting with little students, their parents and teachers is simply invaluable. I am a mother myself, so I fully understand the importance of trust in each other and the quality of activities in the educational institution, because parents trust us with their most precious possessions.

  • Moto:

    Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imagination, the possibilities become limitless. (Jamie Paolinetti)

  • Hobby:

    Quality time with relatives, travel, photography, social network administration, event organization.

  • Color:


  • Character:

    Bee Maja

  • Children book:

    Jules Verne "Around the Earth in 80 Days"

I am deputy manager for formal education and teacher Justė.

I obtained a bachelor’s degree in molecular biology at Vilnius University. While studying my final bachelor’s course, I started working in a pre-school education institution and inspired by my work, I decided to delve into the subtleties of pedagogy and acquired the qualification of a biology teacher at Vilnius University. I think every child is unique and the most fun every day is seeing children’s progress and growth.

  • Moto:

    Not only do we teach children, but we learn a lot from them

  • Hobby:

    Read Scandinavian detectives, actively spend time with family and pets, Zumba workouts

  • Color:


  • Character:


  • Children book:

    J. Friedrich "Amanda and the Shallows"

I am Kaunas branch activity coordinator and teacher Liutaura.

I graduated from Kaunas College with a degree in medicine and obtained a professional bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy. For some time I lived in Croatia, where I worked with children and adolescents with special needs, and when I returned to Lithuania, I worked with newborns and 2-6 year old’s kids. I love children and strive to make the curriculum I present fun and engaging, which helps drive interest in the science of psychology.

  • Moto:

    Food is happiness

  • Hobby:


  • Color:


  • Character:

    Princess Merida

  • Children book:

    Antuan de Sent Egziuperi - The Little Prince

I am a teacher Vilma

I graduated from Klaipeda University. I obtained bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Lithuanian language teacher and school theater director. For 14 years I worked as a Lithuanian language and theater teacher at the gymnasium, where I obtained the qualification of a senior teacher. For the last five years I have been interested in early childhood education, so I sew books for children and for the third year I work at Eureka.

  • Moto:

    As you start to walk out on the path, the path appears

  • Hobby:

    Various handicrafts, mindfulness, meditation

  • Color:


  • Character:

    Pippi Longstocking, Mary Poppins

  • Children book:

    Astrid Lindgren - Seacrow Island

I am deputy manager for organizational affairs and teacher Laura.

As I count on the fifth year of working with early-age children, I’m glad to realize that every day can be joyful. Fellowship with little explorers makes the day infinitely interesting, meaningful and unique. I pay special attention to the emotional development of the little ones – I am constantly looking for activities that would encourage children to express themselves, talk and express their emotions.

In my free time I like to paint and I can enjoy an impressive collection of my works of art, maybe that is why the exceptional feature of my education is the ability to organize education creatively, freely, constantly looking for and discovering new, unusual ways of education. I believe that the role of mobility in the learning process is also important in the education of children, therefore I organize mobile educational activities and contextual trips.

  • Moto:

    The educator needs to respond to the needs of each child and if the child cannot learn how we teach, perhaps we should learn how they learn.

  • Hobby:


  • Color:


  • Character:

    Iron Man and Goku

  • Children book:

    A book called "Zuikis Puikis"

I am a psychologist Agnė.

I have received a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, and later a master’s degree from Vilnius University. During my studies, I realized that my vocation was to work with children, so as soon as I finished my studies, I started my professional career working as a therapist and educating children with special needs. I also work as a medical psychologist at the Child Development Center, where I perform children’s psychological diagnostics, consult children and parents.

I believe that little ones are able to learn new things much faster than adults. Therefore, it is a great pleasure for me to help them overcome difficulties. In the child support process, I attach great importance to cooperation with parents and teachers.

  • Moto:

    Act as you would like to be treated

  • Hobby:

    Watching movies, riding a bike

  • Color:


  • Character:


  • Children book:

    Hans Christian Andersen "Undinėlė"

I am a special pedagogue – speech therapist Greta

I graduated from Šiauliai University with special pedagogy (specialization – speech therapy). During my undergraduate studies, I deepened my knowledge while studying at the Bicocca University in Milan, Italy. I am also currently seeking to obtain a master’s degree at Kaunas University of Technology in the field of education.
As far as I can remember, I have always been interested in language, its emergence, learning different languages, artificial languages. I myself speak four languages, so it is no wonder that I have chosen the profession of speech therapist. When working with children, it is very important for me to give the child the highest possible level of communication in order to ensure successful adaptation in modern society, using verbal and / or non-verbal communication.

  • Moto:

    Success and happiness loves order

  • Hobby:

    Read magic fiction literature, learn new languages

  • Color:

    Brown and all of its shades

  • Character:

    Harry Potter

  • Children book:

    Evelina Daciūtė's book "Happiness is a Fox"

I am a teacher Laura.

I studied at the Lithuanian University of Education and obtained a bachelor’s degree in biology. I further deepen my knowledge at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, in the master’s studies of human-animal interaction. I am particularly interested in the benefits of canine therapy, so I am able to interest children in this topic and answer their questions. I believe that a responsible approach to the environment around us needs to be implemented from an early age. After all, children are our little helpers and big creators of the future.

I am committed that educators must help each student reach the top of the pyramid of needs.

  • Moto:

    "The present is always full of the future" - G.V. Leibnicas

  • Hobby:

    Badminton, dog training, traveling

  • Color:


  • Character:


  • Children book:

    V. Račickas "Sunku būti mokiniu"

I am Miglė, the deputy for education.

While studying elementary education and early foreign language at Vytautas Magnus University, I obtained a bachelor’s degree diploma. These studies established the experience that early education can be an excellent foundation for a person’s life in the future. I am currently studying for a master’s degree in Educational Management, deepening my knowledge of how members of the school community can ensure a child’s personal growth. The seven steps of Eureka are an opportunity to learn by playing, experimenting, and the weekly trips are the consolidation of knowledge and preparation for the upcoming flight.

  • Moto:

    Children are mini-people, whose every facial expression, every look, every tear and every smile is the most sincere that you will not see in any adult.

  • Hobby:

    Active leisure

  • Color:


  • Character:

    The Little Prince

  • Children book:

    A.A. Milne - The World of Pooh

I am teacher Tamriko.

I graduated from Tbilisi (Sakartwell) State University and obtained a bachelor’s degree in social work. Later, I obtained a master’s degree in social work with children and youth in a joint program of Mykolas Romeris University and Riga Stradins University.

During my studies, I started working with children as a junior teacher in non-formal education. Later, I worked in a day social care institution, where I trained people with intellectual disabilities – I taught English, entertaining and folk dances. Active involvement in these activities has led me to participate in many local and international projects, youth clubs and children’s summer camps. I love traveling and I am a professional ballroom dancer.

  • Moto:

    I believe that learning through experience is the best way for children to gain knowledge and develop skills. I am guided by Benjamin Franklin’s thought: tell me and I will forget, teach me and maybe I will remember, involve me and I will learn.

  • Hobby:

    Making Polymer Clay molds

  • Color:


  • Character:

    Anne Shirley Cuthbert

  • Children book:

    Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "The little prince"

I am a teacher Aistė Marija.

I graduated from Vilnius College, Faculty of Arts and Creative Technologies and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Dance Pedagogy, and chose the professional path of educating and raising small children. Working in a pre-school institution with 1.5 – 5 year old children I realized that each child’s year is exceptional and special. I look at work responsibly and creatively and strive to share my knowledge and build a better future.
I believe that children, like adults, face many challenges in knowing themselves and the environment every year, and the teacher’s mission is to help them overcome these challenges.

  • Moto:

    It is necessary to enjoy every day, to educate children with respect, patience and love

  • Hobby:

    Watercolor painting

  • Color:


  • Character:


  • Children book:

    A.Lindgren "Mio, My Son"

I am teacher Kamilė.

I obtained a bachelor’s degree in music and a teacher’s qualification at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater. Later, I continued my studies at Vytautas Magnus University and obtained a master’s degree in Creative Industries.

During my studies with young children, I did an internship in educational institutions and saw that each child is a different and unique little personality, so it is very important to create an environment in the classroom where the child is not afraid to reveal, feel safe and become a unique member of the community and be self-independent.

  • Moto:

    Enjoy every day

  • Hobby:

    Music and travel. I travel as soon as I can. Since we can’t travel at the moment, I like to walk a lot

  • Color:


  • Character:

    Pippi Longstocking. Since childhood I remember her impressive long hair braids.

  • Children book:

    Astrid Lindgren's book "The Little One and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof" left the biggest impression since an early age.

I am a junior teacher Algimantė.

I studied at the Academy of Education of Vytautas Magnus University and obtained a bachelor’s degree in art pedagogy. During my studies, I began to go deeper into the education and development of younger children. My interest in educating children in informal activities included volunteering at the Mo Museum, where I actively helped during education and children’s summer camps.

I believe that children are mini-people, whose every facial expression, every uttered sentence, every tear, and smile is the most sincere, which is hard to see in an adult.

  • Moto:

    There is nothing impossible

  • Hobby:

    Painting and ceramics

  • Color:


  • Character:

    The Little Prince

  • Children book:

    R. Scarry "What do people do all day?"

I am a junior teacher Eva.

I am a third-year student of Vilnius College, studying Public Relations. This is a specialty where the main and most important thing is communication. The communication I enjoy the most, especially with children. By communicating, we can not only communicate but also we have the opportunity to express our feelings and life adventures, we can get to know and teach others. My most important goal when working with children is to teach little ones to express their feelings, to boldly present their opinions, and never be afraid to communicate.

I think children are the best source of emotions and by working with them, we help each other learn the tricks of life.

  • Moto:

    Challenge yourself and never be afraid to make mistakes!

  • Hobby:

    Play board games

  • Color:

    Green and blue

  • Character:

    Juddy Hoops

  • Children book:

    Antuano de Sent Egziuperi "The little prince"

I am a junior teacher Emilija

In school 11th and 12th grades , I started working with children in my spare time, which helped me understand that I wanted to connect my life with childcare and education. I graduated from pre-school education, gained more practice working with children aged 2-7. I am glad to be able to continue my journey with the little discoverers of Eureka.

  • Moto:

    Understanding and respecting each other is the most important part of communication

  • Hobby:

    Cooking and traveling

  • Color:

    red and blue

  • Character:

    Elephant Dumbo

  • Children book:

    Brigita Jovaišienė - "Puppy Vincas' journey around the world"

I am a junior teacher Greta.

I studied at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater, where she obtained a bachelor’s and master’s degree in music performance and a teacher’s qualification. Currently, I play the first flute in the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania’s representative orchestra. During my studies, I not only delved into the subtleties of playing but also paid a lot of attention to the study of pedagogy. I am also interested in the psychology of children’s development and teaching. I hope to be able to apply the knowledge I have gained in my studies while working at Eureka. I believe that when we work with children, we not only teach them, but we learn even more from them.

  • Moto:

    We create our life by ourselves

  • Hobby:


  • Color:


  • Character:

    Pippi Longstocking.

  • Children book:

    Antuano de Sent Egziuperi "The little prince"

I am music teacher Gintarė.

I started playing music when I was four – first I attended Yamaha Music School, then I studied at Balis Dvarionas Music School for ten years, where I graduated in piano. Later, I obtained a master’s degree in music education at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences. I have been working as a pre-school music teacher for seven years, and I also teach private lessons for piano and drums to children.

In my pedagogical activity, I apply various educational strategies – especially, I appreciate the musical education systems of Dalkroz, Gordon, and Orf. When conducting music classes, I always try to develop not only the musical abilities of children but also to open the beauty of the world of music to them, to pay attention to self-confidence, communication, cooperation, creativity, competence development, etc. My goal is to create an environment where each child feels safe, meaningful, and loved, and because each child is unique, we always need to take look into his or her individual needs and abilities.

In my free time, I like to travel, spend time with friends, ride a bike. Of course, music is the greatest passion of my life. I spend most of my free time playing drums in my music group, with which we have already released two albums and we are successfully performing all over Europe.


  • Moto:

    As long as the teacher learns himself, he has the right to teach

  • Hobby:

    Music, travelling, riding a bike

  • Color:


  • Character:

    Mouse Jerry

  • Children book:

    Otfried Preussler „Raganiukė“

I am football coach Domantas.

After graduating from Vytautas Magnus University, studies of physical education, I continue to raise my qualification in various seminars and courses. I am extremely curious and I want to realize myself in as many ways as possible. I believe children are like that too: active and
curious. We, as adults, should learn this from children. That’s why I love to train children – I believe that I grow with them every day. I
believe that a person’s inner well-being determines his results, so I want to educate children and feel the power of that moment. After all, this is the beauty of life.

  • Moto:

    A human is a despicable small as long as he works for himself, but when he proclaims the laws of love and justice, he becomes like God.

  • Hobby:


  • Color:


  • Character:

    I don't have one favorite, I'm just an actor who can turn into what I need in a certain situation :)

  • Children book:

    Antuano de Sent Egziuperi "The little prince"