
"If you can dream it, you can do it."

Walt Disney

"If you can dream it, you can do it."

Walt Disney
The concept of harmonious education

It is a holistic system for a modern child’s personality development that is implemented by combining four educational dimensions. By methodologically applying this concept of education and adapting it to the potential of each child, the outstanding results in the areas ingenuity, social awareness, physical development and communication can be achieved.

Social awareness
Physical development
The concept of harmonious education

At Eureka, we spend much time exploring the environment around us. We are convinced that interesting and inclusive knowledge of the world develops a child’s ingenuity, which is necessary for a successful life. We encourage our children to explore the environment curiously and proactively by using five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. We also pay much attention to the knowledge of technologies and digital literacy which provides boundless spaces to discover the world. Every day is full of discoveries!

At Eureka, we pay special attention to introducing children to numbers and shapes, improving numeracy skills, and the ability to compare sizes, weights, and amounts. We develop thinking through solving puzzles and logic problems as well as number-based research. At Eureka, we improve children’s logical thinking and numeracy skills by invoking chess and other games.

We develop Eureka’s children’s creativity through drawing, dancing, singing, storytelling, design, and the use of various materials, tools, and technologies. With the dynamic content of education, we create conditions for children to test themselves in various activities; we also provide a creativy-friendly environment and teach children to implement their ideas in different ways. For instance, a small drawing can turn into a book, a t-shirt, or even a scenography for a performance. We are convinced that every child is a great creator, so the challenge for Eureka is to provide the conditions for a child to feel it.

Eureka’s educational methodology encourages a child to think independently and boldly, to come up with new ideas, to look for and find unconventional solutions. Why? How? What? By simulating different situations and employing the information obtained through the model of a reduced world, we combine a child’s thinking algorithms that prompt a child to look for answers, understand solution alternatives and their consequences. We develop children’s ability to deal with problematic situations, and upon leaving our school, they are able to define and achieve the goals that are in line with a minor’s age

Social awareness

At Eureka, we develop children’s emotional skills, help children understand and name their feelings, recognize the moods of others and empathize. Eureka’s curriculum forms the basis for the dissemination of a minor’s respect, empathy, and compassion. To achieve these objectives in the process of education, we employ the creative methods, “Kimochi”, “Safe Place” zone, Yale University’s Emometer, and role-playing games.

Self-confidence is the key to a happy and fulfilling life. At Eureka, this competence is developed through personal achievements, i.e. a child is provided the conditions for successful completion of tasks and satisfaction with the result. We believe that children need to develop their potential to demonstrate their skills and feel that their contribution is valued. Eureka’s curriculum contains many practical methods that help a child feel success through playing and feel a result through doing homework or helping a friend.

Eureka’s education system encourages children to get involved in activities. We achieve this through open communication, recognition of the value of creativity and initiative, and support for risk-taking and experimentation. Independence is developed through role models and teacher evaluation. At Eureka, children are taught how to boldly generate ideas and pursue implementation of these ideas by employing imagination.

When planning the curriculum, we think about how to help children develop their teamwork skills, the ability to listen and hear a person nearby, and to help. Eureka provides the conditions to understand, discuss, share experiences, support, help implement each other’s ideas and learn from peers. By observing the learning and behavioral practices of others, children understand what it means to learn and try out learning and behavioral methods used by others. An indispensable method in the process of Eureka’s education is team games that strengthen connections among classmates, allow moving and feeling the taste of the common victory.

Physical development

Eureka’s children know – to be happy, at first you need to be healthy. For this reason, we constantly move, exercise, drink much water, and know why it is worth doing. The school’s team ensures the supply of fresh and healthy food, taking into account the individual needs of a child. The quality of food is assessed by nutrition experts and children’s parents. Although children’s curriculum at Eureka is quite intense, we also attach great importance to relaxation, rest, and sleep. Moreover, the key source of children’s health is a smile. That is why we take care of smiles every day

Movement is necessary for the development of a child’s body. At Eureka, children exercise, do sports, walk in the fresh air, and explore the environment on the move every day. We regularly organize contextual trips – not only educational-cognitive but also recreational-sports trips. We invoke a variety of exercises that help to develop gross motor skills, feel the coordination of physical activity and strengthen awareness of space. Besides, we know that Eureka’s yoga, which is designed to relax body and mind, is practiced not only by Eureka’s children but also by their parents!

Eureka’s teachers know that fine motor skills are formed during the first five years of a child’s life. It is just when a child is getting acquainted with objects around, wants to feel and touch everything. The development of fine motor skills is directly related to and stimulates the development of a child’s language. The better fingers obey a little explorer, the more pronounced his/her language becomes. Realizing that fine motor skills also improve hand-eye coordination, which will later contribute to writing skills, attention, memory, concentration, and patience, we pay great attention to the development of this competence.


The earlier and more appropriate children start learning a new language, the faster and better they learn it without damaging their mother tongue. At Eureka, children learn the other language in the way they learnt their mother tongue, i.e. by naturally and unconsciously taking it up from the language environment and communication situations. A child aged 2-5 is not yet ready to learn grammar rules, but is best able to memorize what is related to personal experience and learn languages by actively practising, playing, communicating and using a language. We are convinced that children who know more than one language have better reading, writing, cognitive, intellectual skills and a better memory, so they do better in higher grades.

We do our best to make a child’s vocabulary expressive and broad so that a child would be able to express personal thoughts, feelings, and opinions clearly. We develop children’s communication with peers and adults through playful methods. Non-standard and children-friendly educational tools improve children’s vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation, sentence consistency, and ensure successful application of the communication skills in practice. We pay much attention to concentration. Eureka’s children achieve this goal through attention games, listening to interesting fairy tales and stories, and creating their own stories. With the help of rhythmic educational poems, our children learn to feel the rhyme, the play, and the sound of words. We believe that the more opportunities children have to hear and express their thoughts, the better they know the world.

By providing a cozy letter environment at Eureka, we aim at cultivating children’s love for books and the natural motivation of little explorers to read. If a child early understands that reading is the key to the remarkable world of books and the potential to read a favorite fairy tale independently, this understanding will become an incentive for a child to achieve the desired result faster and to become a reader. Children listen to a teacher reading them a tale at the beginning of the rest time, we read books together during the evening library time, analyze books and fairy tale characters when discussing contextual topics of a week, children retell the stories they have heard, create their own story characters and are involved in children’s book cognition events.

We do our best so that the explorers at Eureka are able not only to name the words but also to write them down. We learn this in small steps: at first, we try to repeat the symbols, letters, shapes, and numbers written by a teacher; later, children try to name and write them down by themselves. To make the process more interesting, we invoke unique and playful methods – we write on snow, sand, light or rice spilled on the table, try to mold 3D shapes, and so on. In the first months, we write words together, and after children tame pencils, we embark on a journey of the art of writing.

Educational principles

Discovery-based education

Discovery-based education is unique because it systematically provides the conditions for a child to get to know something new at school every day: to discover an object, a phenomenon, a natural object, an emotion, a country, etc. This structures a constant and intriguing process of world exploration that evokes a minor’s curiosity, a desire to learn and to know. At Eureka, discovery-based education is provided by following a seven-step structure, formed on the basis of the long-term practical experience in education and the contemporary trends in minors’ education.

How is discovery-based education implemented? Here is an example with an oak:

Learning through play

Bilingual environment

The earlier and more appropriate children start learning a new language, the faster and better they learn it without damaging their mother tongue. At Eureka, children learn the other language in the way they learned their mother tongue, i.e. by naturally and unconsciously taking it up from the language environment and communication situations. A child aged 2-6 is not yet ready to learn grammar rules but is best able to memorize what is related to personal experience and learn languages by actively practising, playing, communicating, and using a language. We are convinced that children who know more than one language have better reading, writing, cognitive, intellectual skills and better memory, so they do better in higher grades.

School without borders

At Eureka, we educate children not only in the school’s environment but also through active traveling. We organize trips and excursions during which children can get to know, observe and explore the environment. We also visit natural and cultural objects, museums, exhibitions, parks, and cooperate with other organizations. Children listen to stories about cultural objects, photograph, film, draw and model them, create inscenisations, share their impressions and thoughts, and express their assessments.

"The best way to make children good is to make them happy."

Oscar Wilde

"The best way to make children good is to make them happy."

Oscar Wilde
How does a day at Eureka look like?

We meet each other

Individual activities


Development of table etiquette

Morning talk and exercises

Mindfulness exercises

Thematic educational activities

Experiments, Quicks, Social role-playing games, etc.

Active activity

We do sports excercises and play outdoors

We are getting ready for lunch

Mindfulness exercises


Development of table etiquette


For body and mind

Rest time / Sleeping time

We read a fairy tale


Development of table etiquette

Additional educational activities

Theater, Football, Dance, Music, etc.

Evening library

We read the literature on the contextual topic

Daily reflection

we value the day and plan for tomorrow

Free game

and waiting for parents
Distance education – Eureka at home

Distance education is an educational format that upholds Eureka’s principles and philosophy. It helps provide educational service to children aged 2-6, even if they cannot attend the educational institution directly. The service can be used by Lithuanians living in Lithuania and abroad. Academically, the quality of online lessons does not differ from the quality of our classroom education. Eureka at home develops all competencies included in Eureka’s curriculum and relevant to the 21st-century citizens and digital literacy and concentration, which is extremely relevant when learning in the format of distance education. The digital education package consists of at least four video lessons daily: from live sessions with teachers to interactive activities and video assignments for children. Eureka’s lessons help families keep up with the daily rhythm: morning exercise, lunchtime, leisure time, outdoor activities, and reading books – all of these activities are also included in the regular curriculum.

How do we assess children’s achievements and progress?

At Eureka’s early education school, the assessment of educational achievements and progress is individualized, which means that the achievements of each child are assessed individually and not compared with the achievements of other children. The assessment is carried out based on Eureka’s curriculum and description of the achievements of the minor, comparing a child’s current achievements with previous ones. Taking into account a child’s inborn abilities (physical, intellectual, emotional), not only a child’s experience, knowledge, and skills, but also the values developed are assessed. Eureka’s team monitors and analyses a child’s achievements and progress on a daily basis. Twice a year, we discuss educational results with children’s parents. We prepare a review of each child’s notable achievements and provide parents with the summarized individual information. The information about a child’s educational achievements is documented and stored in a child’s achievement folder which contains parents and educators’
assessments, summaries of the observations, and the purposefully selected material proving a child’s progress and achievements. The information is used for purposeful and relevant activity planning, cooperation with parents, and a smooth transition to the pre-school education program.